More or Fewer Lecturers? Your Opinion Counts
Houston is a hot bed of magic activity. We have some of the finest and most celebrated magicians in the world living in Houston. We have three magic clubs and over 100 members. Part of what makes Houston's magicians great is their thirst for knowledge and high level of magic ability. And this is due in large measure to the quality of magicians who pass through Houston on a regular basis to impart their knowledge in the form of magic lectures. Many of the local magi do not attend magic conventions where there are a series of lectures, one after the other, on a plethora of subjects. But every local magician has the opportunity to attend and learn from the lecturers who visit us.
Some really enjoy attending magic lectures and feel that they can't get enough. Others say that we have too many lectures and we should cut back. But how many is enough and how many is too much? In this regard, there is a survey on Facebook where your voice and vote can be heard.
You can cast your vote by Clicking Here. Please let us know what you think and what you want for our future. We want the magic in Houston to be the best in the world, and that means we each have a responsibility to be the best we can be. Cast your vote NOW!
Some really enjoy attending magic lectures and feel that they can't get enough. Others say that we have too many lectures and we should cut back. But how many is enough and how many is too much? In this regard, there is a survey on Facebook where your voice and vote can be heard.
You can cast your vote by Clicking Here. Please let us know what you think and what you want for our future. We want the magic in Houston to be the best in the world, and that means we each have a responsibility to be the best we can be. Cast your vote NOW!
The Lecture Series
Sign up for the Lecture Series and enjoy a GREAT discount: Receive admittance to up to five lectures for only $50 for members and $60 for non-members and $27 for juniors and Houston Magic Club. member spouses for four lectures. Otherwise, on a per lecture basis it will be $20 for Houston
Magic Clubs. members and $30 for non-members and $10 for juniors and H.A.O.M. member spouses.
Magic Clubs. members and $30 for non-members and $10 for juniors and H.A.O.M. member spouses.
Do You Have A Suggestion For A Lecturer?
If you are a lecturer or you know a qualified lecturer who will coming through Houston, then please contact Scott Wells, Lecture Chairman, who will bring it before the H.A.O.M. Board for approval.

Important Notice!
Next month’s meeting will be on Tuesday, April 8, 2025! There will be a FREE LECTURE for all current paid members! The format for this meeting will be very different from our regularly scheduled programs. There will be quick short meetings followed by the lecture.
Date: TUESDAY, April 8, 2025
Address: IATSE Local 51 Meeting Hall
3030 North Freeway, Houston, TX 77009
5:00 PM Optional Dinner on Your Own at Pappa’s Barbecue located at:
4430 I-45 North
Houston, TX 77022
6:30 PM Doors Open!
No Pop-Up Magic Shop This Month.
Check www.ChoiceMagic.Shop for orders mailed directly to you!
7:00 PM Business Meetings
7:30 PM Lecture by Gregory Wilson!
"Hi Houston,
Just wanted to drop you a quick note: Currently traveling for my newest nationwide lecture tour. It's called Things I Carry and Use 2.0 and features all new material developed over the past 6+ years.
— Greg"
Next month’s meeting will be on Tuesday, April 8, 2025! There will be a FREE LECTURE for all current paid members! The format for this meeting will be very different from our regularly scheduled programs. There will be quick short meetings followed by the lecture.
Date: TUESDAY, April 8, 2025
Address: IATSE Local 51 Meeting Hall
3030 North Freeway, Houston, TX 77009
5:00 PM Optional Dinner on Your Own at Pappa’s Barbecue located at:
4430 I-45 North
Houston, TX 77022
6:30 PM Doors Open!
No Pop-Up Magic Shop This Month.
Check www.ChoiceMagic.Shop for orders mailed directly to you!
7:00 PM Business Meetings
7:30 PM Lecture by Gregory Wilson!
"Hi Houston,
Just wanted to drop you a quick note: Currently traveling for my newest nationwide lecture tour. It's called Things I Carry and Use 2.0 and features all new material developed over the past 6+ years.
— Greg"