Meeting Information
S.A.M. Assembly 19 meets on the first Monday of every month in conjunction with the I.B.M. Ring #39 and H.A.O.M. Meetings are held at the IATSE Local 51 Meeting Hall, 3030 North Freeway. Typically, a teaching lecture is at 7:30 pm and the meeting begins at 8:00 pm. Performances by members begin immediately after the meeting. Click here for directions.
Contact Information
President, Kim Lampkin
1st Vice President, Jamie Salinas
2nd Vice President, Matthew Crabtree
Secretary, Miles Root
Treasurer, Dick Olson
Sgt-at-Arms, Donnie Kornegay
S.A.M. Assembly #19
President, Caesar Truillo
Vice President, Troy "Panda" Stults
Secretary, Miles Root
Treasurer, Dick Olson
Sgt-at-Arms, Donnie Kornegay
President, Kim Lampkin
1st Vice President, Jamie Salinas
2nd Vice President, Matthew Crabtree
Secretary, Miles Root
Treasurer, Dick Olson
Sgt-at-Arms, Donnie Kornegay
S.A.M. Assembly #19
President, Caesar Truillo
Vice President, Troy "Panda" Stults
Secretary, Miles Root
Treasurer, Dick Olson
Sgt-at-Arms, Donnie Kornegay
The Wizard's Circle

Click this logo for a PDF of the Points Schedule.
The Wizard’s Circle is our way of recognizing those who are active within the organizations (H.A.O.M. / I.B.M. Ring #39 / S.A.M. Assembly #19) and in the greater Houston community. Magicians earn points based upon their participation and activity at the meetings by attendance at meetings, lectures and conventions plus their performances at the meetings and giving "mini-lectures" at the meetings. Magicians can also earn points by being an officer on the Board or committee chairman. Points are also awarded for giving service to charitable organizations on behalf of the club (i.e. hospital shows, nursing homes, etc.) and for promoting Houston Magic by getting published in newspapers or appearing on television. For more information on how the points are awarded, click here.
The process of receiving points begins every year and culminates at our annual Installation of Officers banquet. Members with a minimum of 100 points are given lapel pins to wear. They also receive a free ticket to the annual banquet. The magician who acquires the most points in one year is awarded Houston's highest honor of being named "Magician of the Year".
The process of receiving points begins every year and culminates at our annual Installation of Officers banquet. Members with a minimum of 100 points are given lapel pins to wear. They also receive a free ticket to the annual banquet. The magician who acquires the most points in one year is awarded Houston's highest honor of being named "Magician of the Year".

Scott Wells - Three Degrees of Separation - Cover Article in November 2021 M.U.M.
Scott Wells is the focus of the November 2021 issue of the M.U.M. journal for the Society of American Magicians with a eight page feature article written by Tom Vorjohan. The article talks about Scott's life inside and outside of magic with his family and friends. It contains many photos from Scott's magic career including the Magic Castle and the Magic Island. The title "Three Degrees of Separation" refers to the vast network of magic friends Scott has worldwide. Everyone either knows Scott or knows someone who knows Scott.
Part of the article talks about his last ten years as host of The Magic Word Podcast which is coming up on 650 episodes and has featured hundreds and hundreds of magicians from around the world plus reports from magic conventions.
If you are a member of the Society of American Magicians, then you should have a copy of this issue; however, it is always available to members on the S.A.M. website as a PDF.
Scott Wells is the focus of the November 2021 issue of the M.U.M. journal for the Society of American Magicians with a eight page feature article written by Tom Vorjohan. The article talks about Scott's life inside and outside of magic with his family and friends. It contains many photos from Scott's magic career including the Magic Castle and the Magic Island. The title "Three Degrees of Separation" refers to the vast network of magic friends Scott has worldwide. Everyone either knows Scott or knows someone who knows Scott.
Part of the article talks about his last ten years as host of The Magic Word Podcast which is coming up on 650 episodes and has featured hundreds and hundreds of magicians from around the world plus reports from magic conventions.
If you are a member of the Society of American Magicians, then you should have a copy of this issue; however, it is always available to members on the S.A.M. website as a PDF.

S.A.M. Assembly #19 Renamed "The Doug and Donnie Kornegay Assembly"
Members of Houston SAM Assembly 19 voted unanimously on December 6, 2021, to rename the club and add Donnie Kornegay to the name of Doug Kornegay S.A.M. Assembly #19. Donnie has continued to support and attend the H.A.O.M. and Assembly #19 S.A.M. meetings each month. Her smile and dedication to our group is infectious. Doug was a member of and very active in SAM 19 as well as IBM Ring 39 and the Houston Association of Magicians. He was the president of TAOM for the Houston convention in 1989. Doug, with his wife and performing partner Donnie, were both instrumental in the success of magic in the City of Houston throughout the years. They have been recognized for their many contributions and the 2018 TAOM Convention was dedicated to them.
Members of Houston SAM Assembly 19 voted unanimously on December 6, 2021, to rename the club and add Donnie Kornegay to the name of Doug Kornegay S.A.M. Assembly #19. Donnie has continued to support and attend the H.A.O.M. and Assembly #19 S.A.M. meetings each month. Her smile and dedication to our group is infectious. Doug was a member of and very active in SAM 19 as well as IBM Ring 39 and the Houston Association of Magicians. He was the president of TAOM for the Houston convention in 1989. Doug, with his wife and performing partner Donnie, were both instrumental in the success of magic in the City of Houston throughout the years. They have been recognized for their many contributions and the 2018 TAOM Convention was dedicated to them.
Join the Society of American Magicians
Visit to access the S.A.M. website. You can then check out all the benefits to becoming a member plus see the costs associated with joining the National organization by clicking here. Membership forms are available at all S.A.M. #19 meetings. Just complete that form and two other S.A.M. members in good standing will sign and sponsor you.